How to Create/Edit an Item in YourMenu

How to Create/Edit an Item in YourMenu

If you're using YourMenu with your POS system, you can simply create the Item in your POS and sync with YourMenu.  If you do not have Auto-Sync enabled, please go to the YourMenu dashboard on your POS or computer and hit Sync.

To create a new Item in YourMenu:
  1. On the YourMenu dashboard, go to Menu > Items
  2. Click Create New Item
  3. Fill out the required information and any additional information needed to configure the Item.
  4. Once complete, click Create New Item on the bottom right
  5. You can now scroll down to add the Category, Modifier Group and Tax Rates
  6. Once complete, click Save on the bottom right

To edit a new Item in YourMenu:
  1. On the YourMenu dashboard, go to Menu > Items
  2. Scroll down or use the search feature to find the Item you wish to edit
  3. Click the Edit button to the right of the Item
  4. Edit the desired information.
  5. Once complete, click Save on the bottom right

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